Beyond Boston: 5 big world stories

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A deadly wave of bombings blasted Iraq ahead of elections on Saturday Trial of controversial breast implant company founder under way in France A powerful earthquake struck the Pakistan-Iran border region Pakistani court confines former president Pervez Musharraf to his home

(CNN) -- News of the deadly Boston Marathon bombings that killed three people and injured 178 others Monday has understandably dominated CNN's coverage this week.

You can follow the live updates here, as events unfold. Two men believed to be suspects in the case have been identified. One died of injuries suffered during a confrontation with police Friday, and the other was arrested after a standoff with police, causing jubilation in Boston.

But while all eyes were on the Boston suburb of Watertown, there was plenty going on elsewhere. Here are five stories you may have missed:

1. A deadly wave of bombings blasted Iraq Tuesday, ahead of elections there Saturday.

Deadly wave of bombings across Iraq 2012: Lawyer defends silicone implants Pakistani quake survivors living in ruins Musharraf under house arrest

The attacks took place in at least six provinces: Baghdad, Anbar, Babel, Kirkuk, Salaheddin Diyala, and Nasriya, police officials across the country told CNN.

Shiite neighborhoods, police checkpoints and political offices were among the targets. At least 42 people were killed, with more than 257 others wounded.

2. The founder of the French company that made controversial breast implants, went on trial over the scandal.

Proceedings against Jean Claude Mas, who founded Poly Implant Prothese, or PIP, and four others connected to the company continued Thursday, a day after the trial opened in Marseille.

Mas was arrested in January 2012 in connection with an investigation after the 2010 cancer death of a French woman with PIP implants. He has consistently denied any wrongdoing, insisting that his products were perfectly safe.

3. A powerful earthquake struck Pakistan's border with Iran, Tuesday, killing 34 people and injuring 80 others in Pakistan, sources say. Officials earlier said that dozens more were injured in both countries.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake was preliminarily measured at 7.8 magnitude. The Iranian Seismological Center said the earthquake had a magnitude of 7.5.

Army doctors and Frontier Corps paramilitary forces took part in rescue efforts in Mashakel, according to a Pakistani official involved in relief efforts.

4. A Pakistani court confined the country's former president Pervez Musharraf to his home Friday. The move came a day after he made a swift exit from an Islamabad court after a judge revoked his bail.

The development is the latest legal setback to Musharraf since the former military ruler returned to Pakistan last month, five years after he resigned as president and left the country, to fight a series of court cases against him. He had been seeking to run in upcoming elections.

5. New Zealand's parliament voted to legalize same-sex marriage Wednesday. The country became the first in the Asia Pacific region to pass the legislation, ahead of Australia, whose gay community feels the country is falling behind in terms of gay rights.

The New Zealand Parliament passed the bill by a convincing margin of 77 votes to 44, amending the Marriage Act to permit gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual and intersex couples to marry. Overjoyed supporters of the legislation in the public gallery burst into song in celebration.

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