Sandusky: Witness 'story changed a lot'

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NBC's "Today" show airs audio excerpts of an interview with Jerry Sandusky in prison The former Penn State assistant football coach raps prosecution witness Mike McQueary Sandusky says he's not sure if head coach Joe Paterno suspected he was a pedophile The filmmaker says he's trying to give Paterno "his day in court" after "he was railroaded"

Jerry Sandusky has been interviewed for the first time since going to prison in October. Documentary filmmaker John Ziegler shares the convicted pedophile's comments on Joe Paterno, and on the prosecution's key witness, with Piers Morgan, at 9 p.m. ET Monday on CNN.

(CNN) -- Jerry Sandusky will probably be incarcerated for the rest of his life for child sex abuse convictions, but the former Penn State assistant football coach is making sure he has his say outside the prison walls.

Documentary filmmaker John Ziegler interviewed Sandusky, 68, for a project he calls "The Framing of Joe Paterno." On Monday, NBC's "Today" show aired a portion of a phone conversation between the two men.

In the broadcast excerpts, Sandusky questioned the credibility of prosecution witness Mike McQueary, another former Penn State assistant coach, who testified that he walked in on Sandusky raping a child in the showers at a school facility.

"I think there's a lot of things that transpired. I think these investigators, the way they went about business, you know, his story changed a lot. I think he said some things, and then it escalated on him," Sandusky said. "I don't understand how anybody would have walked into that locker room from where he was and heard sounds associated that was sex going on. (laughter) You know, like he said that could've been, I mean, there was ... that would have been the last thing I would have thought about. I would've thought maybe fooling around or something like that. (laughter)"

Jerry Sandusky speaks from jail .cnnArticleGalleryNav{border:1px solid #000;cursor:pointer;float:left;height:25px;text-align:center;width:25px} .cnnArticleGalleryNavOn{background-color:#C03;border:1px solid #000;float:left;height:25px;text-align:center;width:20px} .cnnArticleGalleryNavDisabled{background-color:#222;border:1px solid #000;color:#666;float:left;height:25px;text-align:center;width:25px} .cnnArticleExpandableTarget{background-color:#000;display:none;position:absolute} .cnnArticlePhotoContainer{height:122px;width:214px} .cnnArticleBoxImage{cursor:pointer;height:122px;padding-top:0;width:214px} .cnnArticleGalleryCaptionControl{background-color:#000;color:#FFF} .cnnArticleGalleryCaptionControlText{cursor:pointer;float:right;font-size:10px;padding:3px 10px 3px 3px} .cnnArticleGalleryPhotoContainer cite{background:none repeat scroll 0 0 #000;bottom:48px;color:#FFF;height:auto;left:420px;opacity:.7;position:absolute;width:200px;padding:10px} .cnnArticleGalleryClose{background-color:#fff;display:block;text-align:right} .cnnArticleGalleryCloseButton{cursor:pointer} .cnnArticleGalleryNavPrevNext span{background-color:#444;color:#CCC;cursor:pointer;float:left;height:23px;text-align:center;width:26px;padding:4px 0 0} .cnnArticleGalleryNavPrevNextDisabled span{background-color:#444;color:#666;float:left;height:23px;text-align:center;width:25px;padding:4px 0 0} .cnnVerticalGalleryPhoto{padding-right:68px;width:270px;margin:0 auto} .cnnGalleryContainer{float:left;clear:left;margin:0 0 20px;padding:0 0 0 10px} Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky leaves the Centre County Courthouse in handcuffs after a jury found him guilty in his sex abuse trial on Friday, June 22. Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky leaves the Centre County Courthouse in handcuffs after a jury found him guilty in his sex abuse trial on Friday, June 22. Sandusky is escorted in handuffs to a police car at the Centre County Courthouse under the glare of TV lights. The jury found Sandusky guilty on 45 of 48 counts. Defense attorney Joe Amendola talks to the media after the trial. Dottie Sandusky, who has been married to Sandusky for 46 years, walks with her husband while jurors deliberate. She testified that she did not witness any sexual abuse. Matt Sandusky, one of Jerry Sandusky's six adopted children, said Thursday through his attorney that he also was sexually abused and was prepared to testify. Shadows of the media are seen outside the courthouse during the second day of deliberations. Jurors took 21 hours over two days to convict Sandusky on 45 of 48 charges against him. Sandusky's attorney Joe Amendola arrives at the courthouse Friday. After the conviction, Amendola announced plans to appeal despite the mountain of convictions against his client. Judge John Cleland walks into the courthouse. Once the jury reached its decision, he revoked Sandusky's bail and ordered his arrest. Prosecutor Joseph E. McGettigan III, second from left, and the rest of his prosecution team arrive at the courthouse Friday. A crowd gathers outside the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, to await the Sandusky verdict. Sandusky faces the cameras as he is led to a sheriff's vehicle in handcuffs after the reading of the verdict. Sandusky is put into a police car. Sandusky was booked into the Centre County Correctional Facility. Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted Jerry Sandusky convicted HIDE CAPTION << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 > >> Photos: Jerry Sandusky convicted Photos: Jerry Sandusky convicted Attorney: Sandusky is attention seeker Pennsylvania sues NCAA over sanctions

Sandusky also discussed what Joe Paterno, the legendary Penn State head coach who was forced out as a result of the scandal, knew -- or didn't know.

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"If he absolutely thought I was (a pedophile), I'd say no. If he had a suspicion, I don't know the answer to that," Sandusky said.

Ziegler wrote an open letter to the media on Sunday, and said on the "Today" show that "the media, in this particular case, has an agenda. They don't want to hear what the truth is. This has been a rush to judgment from the very beginning."

"Jerry Sandusky had his day in court. Joe Paterno never did. I am trying to get Joe Paterno, effectively, his day in court," Ziegler said, later adding, "This is all about Joe Paterno's alleged culpability, which I don't believe the facts back up. I think he was railroaded."

Both Penn State and the Paterno family lambasted Sandusky and the release of his audio.

"Jerry Sandusky's statements today continue to open wounds for his victims, and the victims of child sexual abuse everywhere. We have tremendous respect for the men who came forward to tell their stories publicly," said Penn State spokesman David La Torre.

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And Paterno family attorney Wick Sollers released a statement saying, "The release of the audio recording of Jerry Sandusky is a sad and unfortunate development. Sandusky had the opportunity to speak, under oath, during his trial and he chose not to do so. Releasing a recording at this time, nearly a year after he was found guilty on 45 counts, is transparently self-serving and yet another insult to the victims and anyone who cares about the truth in this tragic story.

"The Paterno family would prefer to remain silent on this matter, but they feel it is important to make it clear that they had no role in obtaining or releasing this recording. Moreover, they believe that any attempt to use this recording as a defense of Joe Paterno is misguided and inappropriate. I encourage anyone who wants to understand the facts of this case to go to and read the reports of former Attorney General Dick Thornburgh, former FBI profiler, James Clemente, noted pedophilia expert, Dr. Fred Berlin and the King and Spalding legal team.

"From the beginning, the family has been committed to due process and a careful, objective examination of the facts. This is the path they will continue to follow."

Sandusky was sentenced in October to 30 to 60 years in prison for abusing 10 boys during a 15-year period.

On February 21, he filed an appeal against his conviction and sentence with the Pennsylvania Superior Court, according to court records.

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